Tooth decay is all about chemistry. The process of enamel erosion that leads to eventual caries or what we would call a cavity can be traced back to the chemistry of the human mouth. The chemistry begins with the bacteria that is commonly carried in our mouths. This bacteria must feed on carbohydrates in order to exist and thrive. The byproduct of the bacteria digesting the carbohydrates that we have in our mouth, is acid. The acid that is left behind by these bacterias can erode the enamel in our teeth. The hard white enamel in our teeth is what protects our teeth from the constant wear and tear of use. When this enamel wears to the point of reaching the "dentin" portion of our teeth, it is considered a cavity. When a cavity forms in the tooth, it is the job of the nerves in our teeth to let us know there is a problem. The sensitivity or pain that we feel from this process is known as a "tooth ache."
So you ask, "how does my swimming pool relate to this?" A study done by the NYU College of Dentistry found that the answer lies in the chemistry of your swimming pool water. The short and sweet of it is this. The PH of your swimming pool relates to the acidity of your water. A PH below 7.0 is too acidic and can lead to additional erosion of tooth enamel in our mouths. Just like acid from the bacteria, a very low PH in your swimming pool water can add additional wear and tear to your teeth.
It's important to brush and floss everyday, but it is also important that we mind the chemistry in our mouths. Try and keep your swimming pool water at an average PH level of 7.2-7.8 to help aleviate the risk of additional tooth decay. Consult with your local pool professional for help in balancing your water to it's optimum use.
For more information about protecting your child's teeth against tooth decay, make sure and schedule your child for a regular check up here at Smile Galaxy.