How a stainless steel crown can save a baby tooh
Written by Donna Pleis for Colgate.com Even though the primary dentition (commonly known as baby teeth) are temporary, it's important to...

First Smiles: Keep Them Healthy
From our friends @ Delta Dental of Oklahoma Your baby’s first tooth is a major milestone in growth and development. As parents, we...

How are Baby Teeth Different than Adult Teeth?
After the age of six or so, deciduous teeth – also known as baby or primary teeth – fall out and are replaced by the permanent teeth....

Everything You Need to Know About Baby Teeth
When do baby teeth start to come in? Baby teeth can start coming in as early as five months. By one year, a child typically has six baby...

Cold Turkey: How to Convince Baby It’s Time to Part from the Pacifier
Tips on weaning your child from the pacifier, including different approaches that can reduce stress for both kids and parents when trying...

Saving Space for Permanent Teeth with a Space Maintainer
If your little one's teeth have begun to fall out, and their permanent replacements appear to be lagging far behind, you may wish to...

What’s Coming in When? A Tooth Eruption Guide.
​ While the arrival of your little one’s teeth might seem like a scattered and chaotic experience with very little in the way of...