Oh, No! A Dental Emergency While Away from Home.. Now What?
There are a many things that can go wrong when your family is on vacation. You can have a hungry bear rummage through your campsite at...

The Perfect Smile?
AAPD President Dr. Delarosa explains when cosmetic dentistry may or may not be right for children. Most parents have experienced that...

Are Your Child's Brushing Habits Wearing Away Their Enamel?
Back’n’forth, back’n’forth – scrubba’ scrubba’ scrubba! Get those teeth clean! Yes, get ‘em clean … but, if your child’s method of...

Break out the Helmets and Mouthguards, April is Here!
Break out the bike, the skateboard and the rollerblades … Spring is here … just don’t allow your kids to break their face while they’re...

Teething: As Told By a Baby Tooth
From our friends at the AAPD (American Academy of Pediatric Dentists) All parents know teething can be a stressful and trying time filled...

April Food Days: Good or Bad for Your Kid’s Teeth?
The proverbial rainiest month of the year is upon us, and soon we’ll be bustling about among the flowers those April showers deliver....

10 Tips for Keeping Playtime Safe
Okay, we realize you might think an article on safe toys is silly ... aren’t all toys created with children in mind? Well, things get...

Good Foods That Are Surprisingly Bad for Your Kids’ Teeth
You’ve finally figured it out! You’ve got the pantry stocked with all sorts of nutritious food your whole family loves and you’re not...

Apps for Healthy Teeth!
From our friends at PatientConnect365 We’re gonna’ bet your kids have a better handle on your smart phone than you do. And your tablet,...

A Surprisingly Healthy Way to Warm Up Your February
February. Unless you’re a snowmobiler, skier, or ice-fisherman, it’s a month the rest of us wishes would pass as quickly as it begins....