Saving Space for Permanent Teeth with a Space Maintainer
If your little one's teeth have begun to fall out, and their permanent replacements appear to be lagging far behind, you may wish to...

Pumpkin Decorating Ideas
Pumkin decorating or carving is an age old tradition in many families. We've compiled some of the best ideas for your family decorating...

To Pull or Not to Pull for Parents
From our friends at the AAPD (American Academy of Pediatric Dentists) Question: Should parents help pull out a child’s wiggly tooth or...

Baby Pacifiers – A Quick Look at the Pros and Cons.
From our friends at PatientConnect 365 To pacify or not to pacify, that is the question! If you’re a parent, or currently expecting,...

Use it or Lose it...
Are you throwing away money? Most dental benefits expire at the end of each calendar year, so don't leave money on the table -- come see...
Secret Weapon?
If there were a secret weapon in the dental world, the "kid" friendly flossing stick would have to be it. This ingenious tool has been in...

Why Routines are Important for Kids
I wanted to share an article with you today from a blog resource I came across. The blog author's name is Jamie, she pens for...
Get Them Moving
The CDC (Center for Disease Control) recommends that children and adolescents have 60+ mins of physical activity everyday. Besides the...

7 Tips to Avoid Baby Bottle Tooth Decay
Cavities – they're not just for adults. Streptococcus mutans, the bacterium that contributes to tooth decay, is a rather indiscriminate...

6 ideas for managing busy school mornings
If you find your self running in cirlces on school mornings we have an article to share with you. Julie Cole owner of Mable's Labels and...