Fighting Childhood Tooth Decay
Childhood tooth decay or caries as is the clinical term, is the most prevelant disease amongest children ages 2-11. The only comforting...

Kids and Fireworks
The 4th of July is one of my favorite holidays! Not only is it a patriotic event that reminds us of how blessed we are to live in such a...

Survive Going to the Dentist with Kids – 12 Ideas to Get them Excited!
Ok let’s face it, going to the dentist with kids is not exactly what people enjoy doing with their free-time. Even if we dread going, it...
Is Your Traveling Toothbrush Sanitary?
I came across a review today from our friends over at CoolMomTech. They review and test all kinds of fun and cool gadgety type devices,...

Summer Boredom Blues
The Summer months are upon us and if you haven't heard the phrase, "mom I'm so bored, what can I do?" than you can stop reading now. For...

Last Minute Father's Day Gifts
Did Father's Day sneak up on you? No worries, check out our "Fun Father's Day Ideas" Pinterest board for some of the best ideas for last...
Father's Day Plans
What do you have planned for dad this Father's Day? Check out this fun video from the famous Holderness Family.

Molding Your Children Into Leaders
Leadership is defined by the Webster's dictionary as "The quality of character and personality giving a person the ability to gain the...
Baby Bottle Tooth Decay
From our friends at MouthHealthy.org Even though they are temporary, your child's baby teeth are important, and are still susceptible to...

Brushing Motivation
Is your child's nightly brushing routine becoming a battle? Sometimes a simple "good job" or "way to go" is enough to motivate your child...